Consultation now open!
On this page you can find everything you need to know about the consultation for the 2024-34 Greater Wellington Long Term Plan. The consultation closes 5pm Monday the 22nd April.
You can either consult directly online by clicking the online consultation document below.
Or you can view it as a PDF which includes a mail or email-in option.
What information do we want, and how will we use it?
During the consultation process, we ask for:
• Your first and last name
• The name of your organisation or group, if you are submitting for them
• Your email address or phone number , if you indicate you wish to make an oral presentation
• Your location within the region, gender, ethnicity, and age group
• Your views on the options and your submission on the Long Term Plan
• Whether you request the removal of your personal contact detail from any publicly available copy of your submission.
When you make an oral presentation, we will document your name and the key elements of your presentation.
If you do not provide your email or phone number, we cannot contact you if you wish to make an oral presentation and/or to advise you of the results of the consultation process.
Purposes of collection and use
Greater Wellington will use the collected information to:
a Identify your submission and your supporting oral presentation (if you make one)
b Make your submission and documented oral presentation publicly available (see below)
c Prepare a Council report that includes aggregated analysis of submissions, and may include a demographic summary to understand whether our consultation is reaching all desired demographic groups and to consider options to improve this reach.
d Contact you to:
i Clarify any aspect of your submission or oral presentation
ii Arrange an oral presentation in support of your submission (if you request this)
iii Advise you of the decision(s) on the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.
Public availability of submissions
Greater Wellington treats all submissions received through its public consultation processes as public information. As such, we:
• May be required to release all or part of your submission, and our documentation of your oral presentation, if a request is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
• Will consider removing your personal contact details from any publicly available copy of your submission if you request this removal in your submission
• May choose to publish submissions, including on the Greater Wellington website, in full or as a summary. Your contact details will be excluded from website publication.
Using your information
We will only use the information provided to us:
• For the purposes we collect that information (see above)
• For other reasons permitted by the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. with your consent, for a directly related purpose, or where the law permits or requires this use).
Sharing your information
See public availability of submissions above.

Consultation now open!
On this page you can find everything you need to know about the consultation for the 2024-34 Greater Wellington Long Term Plan. The consultation closes 5pm Monday the 22nd April.
You can either consult directly online by clicking the online consultation document below.
Or you can view it as a PDF which includes a mail or email-in option.
What information do we want, and how will we use it?
During the consultation process, we ask for:
• Your first and last name
• The name of your organisation or group, if you are submitting for them
• Your email address or phone number , if you indicate you wish to make an oral presentation
• Your location within the region, gender, ethnicity, and age group
• Your views on the options and your submission on the Long Term Plan
• Whether you request the removal of your personal contact detail from any publicly available copy of your submission.
When you make an oral presentation, we will document your name and the key elements of your presentation.
If you do not provide your email or phone number, we cannot contact you if you wish to make an oral presentation and/or to advise you of the results of the consultation process.
Purposes of collection and use
Greater Wellington will use the collected information to:
a Identify your submission and your supporting oral presentation (if you make one)
b Make your submission and documented oral presentation publicly available (see below)
c Prepare a Council report that includes aggregated analysis of submissions, and may include a demographic summary to understand whether our consultation is reaching all desired demographic groups and to consider options to improve this reach.
d Contact you to:
i Clarify any aspect of your submission or oral presentation
ii Arrange an oral presentation in support of your submission (if you request this)
iii Advise you of the decision(s) on the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.
Public availability of submissions
Greater Wellington treats all submissions received through its public consultation processes as public information. As such, we:
• May be required to release all or part of your submission, and our documentation of your oral presentation, if a request is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
• Will consider removing your personal contact details from any publicly available copy of your submission if you request this removal in your submission
• May choose to publish submissions, including on the Greater Wellington website, in full or as a summary. Your contact details will be excluded from website publication.
Using your information
We will only use the information provided to us:
• For the purposes we collect that information (see above)
• For other reasons permitted by the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. with your consent, for a directly related purpose, or where the law permits or requires this use).
Sharing your information
See public availability of submissions above.