Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant

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On this page you can find everything you need to know about Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant (FWWTP) WAR230290 publicly notified resource consent application, located in Longwood West Road, Featherston.

Submissions on this resource consent application must be received by 5pm on Thursday 31 October 2024.


The applicant, South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) has made an application to the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) for resource consent to continue the discharge of treated wastewater into Donalds Creek and contaminants to air from the Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant (FWWTP). The applicant has applied for a ten-year consent duration to obtain information through environmental monitoring and implement a series of upgrades that are detailed below and within the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) and has requested that the application be publicly notified under s95A(3)(a) of the RMA. The existing consent suite (WAR970080) expired on 25 August 2012 and the plant has been operating under s124 of the Act.

The following resource consents have been sought from GWRC:





Discharge to water

To discharge a contaminant (treated wastewater) to Donalds Creek


Discharge to land

To discharge a contaminant (treated wastewater) onto or into land where a contaminant may enter water (groundwater) and the associated discharge of odour to air


Discharge to air

To discharge contaminants to air from the operation of the FWWTP


Ground water diversion

Water permit for the diversion of water within 100m of a natural inland wetland


Soil Disturbance

Land use consent for earthworks and land disturbance associated with the construction of the constructed wetlands, land contact area and the land application area

Project description

The applicant is proposing improvements to the operation of the FWWTP that will be delivered in stages over a 10-year period. This will include upgrades to the existing plant and changes in the method and location of discharging treated wastewater to Donalds Creek and to a constructed wetland and land application areas.

Changes in the method and location of discharging treated wastewater to the environment are expected to lessen effects on surface water and improvements include: 

  • A land application area, accepting treated wastewater for irrigation

  • Creation of sub-surface wetlands, comprising constructed aggregate wetlands that can accommodate:

- Irrigation of treated wastewater to a vegetated surface (within the wetland) and vertical infiltration to a gravel bed

- Horizontal flow of treated wastewater through a bed of locally sourced gravel, and

- Revegetation of a former swamp surface-wetland area, through which wastewater can diffusely migrate prior to flowing to Donalds Creek.

The proposal includes the following planned upgrades:

  • New inlet screen - to remove large solids and un-biodegradable waste from entering the oxidation ponds
  • Oxidation pond baffles and aeration - to improve/increase pond treatment capacity and reduce flow short-circuiting and BOD5 at the plant outlet
  • Clarification system, e.g. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) - to reduce suspended solids and solids-bound contaminants in the pond effluent discharge
  • Constructed wetlands and revegetated area - to reduce wastewater derived suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus through plant uptake and land contact of treated wastewater; and reduce cultural impact of wastewater discharge by providing land contact
  • New land application area - to reduce suspended solids and nutrients in surface water discharge through plant uptake and land application of treated wastewater; and reduce cultural impact of wastewater discharge by discharging to land

Application documents

Full details of the application, including the Assessment of Environmental Effects report and all supporting information, can be viewed in the document library on this page. Alternatively, a hard copy can be viewed during opening hours at:  

  • Greater Wellington Regional Council, 34 Chapel Street, Masterton  

  • South Wairarapa District Council Office, 19 Kitchener Street Martinborough 

  • Featherston Library, 70-72 Fitzherbert Street, Featherston 


Any person may make a submission on this application. Please note the following information for writing a submission:

  • You may make a submission by filling in the online submission form or by sending a written or electronic submission to GWRC at PO Box 41, Masterton 5840 or notifications@gw.govt.nz. Alternatively, submissions can be dropped off in person at Greater Wellington Regional Council offices during office hours. The submission must be in the prescribed form. Copies of this form are available from GWRC, please contact us on 0800 496 734 or notifications@gw.govt.nz. 
  • You must serve a copy of your submission to South Wairarapa District Council (the applicant), via email or post, as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on GWRC. Please send these to South Wairarapa District Council, C/O GHD, Attention: Helen Anderson, PO Box 1746, Wellington 6140 or helen.anderson@ghd.com. If you fill in the online submission form below, this will happen automatically.
  • Your submission may become publicly available if a request for it is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. As a submitter, you are legally required to provide a copy of your full submission, including your personal details to the applicant. Please refer to the privacy statement under Important Links.
  • For guidance on writing a submission, and the submission process, you can refer to the Ministry for the Environment's guidance document
  • If you have any questions about the application or submission process, please contact Environmental Technical Support, Greater Wellington Regional Council on 0800 496 734 or email notifications@gw.govt.nz

Submissions on this resource consent application must be received by 5pm on Thursday 31 October 2024.

Addresses for service:

Greater Wellington Regional Council (consenting authority): Greater Wellington Regional Council, PO Box 41, Masterton 5840, Attn: Manager, Environmental Regulation, notifications@gw.govt.nz

South Wairarapa District Council (the applicant): C/O GHD, Attention: Helen Anderson, PO Box 1746, Wellington 6140 or helen.anderson@ghd.com

On this page you can find everything you need to know about Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant (FWWTP) WAR230290 publicly notified resource consent application, located in Longwood West Road, Featherston.

Submissions on this resource consent application must be received by 5pm on Thursday 31 October 2024.


The applicant, South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) has made an application to the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) for resource consent to continue the discharge of treated wastewater into Donalds Creek and contaminants to air from the Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant (FWWTP). The applicant has applied for a ten-year consent duration to obtain information through environmental monitoring and implement a series of upgrades that are detailed below and within the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) and has requested that the application be publicly notified under s95A(3)(a) of the RMA. The existing consent suite (WAR970080) expired on 25 August 2012 and the plant has been operating under s124 of the Act.

The following resource consents have been sought from GWRC:





Discharge to water

To discharge a contaminant (treated wastewater) to Donalds Creek


Discharge to land

To discharge a contaminant (treated wastewater) onto or into land where a contaminant may enter water (groundwater) and the associated discharge of odour to air


Discharge to air

To discharge contaminants to air from the operation of the FWWTP


Ground water diversion

Water permit for the diversion of water within 100m of a natural inland wetland


Soil Disturbance

Land use consent for earthworks and land disturbance associated with the construction of the constructed wetlands, land contact area and the land application area

Project description

The applicant is proposing improvements to the operation of the FWWTP that will be delivered in stages over a 10-year period. This will include upgrades to the existing plant and changes in the method and location of discharging treated wastewater to Donalds Creek and to a constructed wetland and land application areas.

Changes in the method and location of discharging treated wastewater to the environment are expected to lessen effects on surface water and improvements include: 

  • A land application area, accepting treated wastewater for irrigation

  • Creation of sub-surface wetlands, comprising constructed aggregate wetlands that can accommodate:

- Irrigation of treated wastewater to a vegetated surface (within the wetland) and vertical infiltration to a gravel bed

- Horizontal flow of treated wastewater through a bed of locally sourced gravel, and

- Revegetation of a former swamp surface-wetland area, through which wastewater can diffusely migrate prior to flowing to Donalds Creek.

The proposal includes the following planned upgrades:

  • New inlet screen - to remove large solids and un-biodegradable waste from entering the oxidation ponds
  • Oxidation pond baffles and aeration - to improve/increase pond treatment capacity and reduce flow short-circuiting and BOD5 at the plant outlet
  • Clarification system, e.g. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) - to reduce suspended solids and solids-bound contaminants in the pond effluent discharge
  • Constructed wetlands and revegetated area - to reduce wastewater derived suspended solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus through plant uptake and land contact of treated wastewater; and reduce cultural impact of wastewater discharge by providing land contact
  • New land application area - to reduce suspended solids and nutrients in surface water discharge through plant uptake and land application of treated wastewater; and reduce cultural impact of wastewater discharge by discharging to land

Application documents

Full details of the application, including the Assessment of Environmental Effects report and all supporting information, can be viewed in the document library on this page. Alternatively, a hard copy can be viewed during opening hours at:  

  • Greater Wellington Regional Council, 34 Chapel Street, Masterton  

  • South Wairarapa District Council Office, 19 Kitchener Street Martinborough 

  • Featherston Library, 70-72 Fitzherbert Street, Featherston 


Any person may make a submission on this application. Please note the following information for writing a submission:

  • You may make a submission by filling in the online submission form or by sending a written or electronic submission to GWRC at PO Box 41, Masterton 5840 or notifications@gw.govt.nz. Alternatively, submissions can be dropped off in person at Greater Wellington Regional Council offices during office hours. The submission must be in the prescribed form. Copies of this form are available from GWRC, please contact us on 0800 496 734 or notifications@gw.govt.nz. 
  • You must serve a copy of your submission to South Wairarapa District Council (the applicant), via email or post, as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on GWRC. Please send these to South Wairarapa District Council, C/O GHD, Attention: Helen Anderson, PO Box 1746, Wellington 6140 or helen.anderson@ghd.com. If you fill in the online submission form below, this will happen automatically.
  • Your submission may become publicly available if a request for it is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. As a submitter, you are legally required to provide a copy of your full submission, including your personal details to the applicant. Please refer to the privacy statement under Important Links.
  • For guidance on writing a submission, and the submission process, you can refer to the Ministry for the Environment's guidance document
  • If you have any questions about the application or submission process, please contact Environmental Technical Support, Greater Wellington Regional Council on 0800 496 734 or email notifications@gw.govt.nz

Submissions on this resource consent application must be received by 5pm on Thursday 31 October 2024.

Addresses for service:

Greater Wellington Regional Council (consenting authority): Greater Wellington Regional Council, PO Box 41, Masterton 5840, Attn: Manager, Environmental Regulation, notifications@gw.govt.nz

South Wairarapa District Council (the applicant): C/O GHD, Attention: Helen Anderson, PO Box 1746, Wellington 6140 or helen.anderson@ghd.com

  • Thank you for having your say on Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

    We appreciate your involvement in this process and taking the time to give your feedback.

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Page last updated: 04 Oct 2024, 03:30 PM