Stream Reclamation for Remediation of a Slip at Masterton-Castlepoint Road

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Submissions are now open.

On this page you can find everything you need to know about the resource consent for the proposed Whareama Stream reclamation and slip remediation, located at Masterton-Castlepoint Road, Masterton

The submission period closes 4 November 2024.


Masterton District Council has applied to Greater Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) for resource consents for works associated with the stabilisation and remediation of a slip adjacent to Masterton-Castlepoint Road including the reclamation of a tributary of the Whareama River and associated biodiversity offset.

  • To undertake earthworks exceeding 3,000m2 and within 5m of a waterway.

  • To discharge sediment-laden water and stormwater to land where it may enter a surface water body from earthworks.

  • To reclaim the bed of an intermittent tributary of the Whareama River.

  • To permanently and temporarily divert surface water from an intermittent tributary of the Whareama River into a constructed channel.

Project description

Masterton District Council seeks consents to reclaim a tributary of the Whareama River. The site of the reclamation works is located at the bottom of an existing slip. The existing slip is located on the northern side of Masterton Castlepoint Road approximately 30km east of Masterton. The reclamation works are intended to stabilise the existing slip and to enable works to Masterton-Castlepoint Road.

The proposal includes measures to offset the effects of the reclamation including:

  • Creation of a new stream channel 65.3m in length. The new channel is proposed to follow what is likely a historic stream channel. This reduces the work required to form the new channel.
  • As there will be a loss of 149.7m of stream, and a creation of 65.3m there will be an overall reduction in stream habitat
  • A planting plan is proposed for the new channel, along with fencing to exclude stock. This will offset the loss in overall stream length by creating higher quality habitat in the new channel

Resource consents






Land Use

Land use consent for earthworks of more than 3000m2 and within 5m of a water course



Discharge Permit

Discharge permit for discharge of sediment to land where it may enter water



Land use

Land use consent for the reclamation 149.7m of intermittently flowing stream (a tributary of the Whareama River)

Water Permit
Water permit for the permanent diversion of water from a tributary of the Whareama River.

Full details of the application and consents required can be found in the application.

Application documents

Resource consent applications, including the Assessment of Environmental Effects report and all supporting information, can be viewed on this page.


Any person may make a submission on these applications or notices of requirement, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant(s) may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the applications/notices of requirement relate that—

(a) adversely affects the environment; and

(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

To make an online submission please fill in the online form below.

You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission to Greater Wellington at PO Box 11646, Wellington 6011 or The submission must be in the prescribed form. Copies of this form are available from Greater Wellington, please contact us on 0800 496 734 or

You must serve a copy of your submission to Masterton District Council (the applicant), via email or post, as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Greater Wellington. Please send these to PO Box 167, Masterton 5810, or

Alternatively, submissions can be dropped off in person at Greater Wellington offices during office hours.

Your submission may become publicly available if a request for it is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. As a submitter, you are legally required to provide a copy of your full submission, including your personal details to the applicant.

The last day to make submissions on this resource consent application is Monday 04 November 2024.

As a submitter, you are legally required to provide a copy of your full submission, including your personal details to the applicant. If you fill in the online form below, this will happen automatically - it will be your responsibility if you provide a submission in writing.

For guidance on writing a submission, and the submission process, you can refer to the Ministry for the Environment's guidance document.

If you have any questions about the application or submission process, or would like a hard copy of the submission form please contact Environmental Technical Support, Greater Wellington on 0800 496 734 or email

Applicant: Masterton District Council

Addresses for service if providing a hard copy or emailed written submission:

Greater Wellington Regional Council (consenting authority): Greater Wellington Regional Council, PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142, Attn: Manager, Environmental Regulation,

Masterton District Council C/- C and F Projects, PO Box 167, Masterton 5810, Attn: Mac Fauvel

Submissions are now open.

On this page you can find everything you need to know about the resource consent for the proposed Whareama Stream reclamation and slip remediation, located at Masterton-Castlepoint Road, Masterton

The submission period closes 4 November 2024.


Masterton District Council has applied to Greater Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) for resource consents for works associated with the stabilisation and remediation of a slip adjacent to Masterton-Castlepoint Road including the reclamation of a tributary of the Whareama River and associated biodiversity offset.

  • To undertake earthworks exceeding 3,000m2 and within 5m of a waterway.

  • To discharge sediment-laden water and stormwater to land where it may enter a surface water body from earthworks.

  • To reclaim the bed of an intermittent tributary of the Whareama River.

  • To permanently and temporarily divert surface water from an intermittent tributary of the Whareama River into a constructed channel.

Project description

Masterton District Council seeks consents to reclaim a tributary of the Whareama River. The site of the reclamation works is located at the bottom of an existing slip. The existing slip is located on the northern side of Masterton Castlepoint Road approximately 30km east of Masterton. The reclamation works are intended to stabilise the existing slip and to enable works to Masterton-Castlepoint Road.

The proposal includes measures to offset the effects of the reclamation including:

  • Creation of a new stream channel 65.3m in length. The new channel is proposed to follow what is likely a historic stream channel. This reduces the work required to form the new channel.
  • As there will be a loss of 149.7m of stream, and a creation of 65.3m there will be an overall reduction in stream habitat
  • A planting plan is proposed for the new channel, along with fencing to exclude stock. This will offset the loss in overall stream length by creating higher quality habitat in the new channel

Resource consents






Land Use

Land use consent for earthworks of more than 3000m2 and within 5m of a water course



Discharge Permit

Discharge permit for discharge of sediment to land where it may enter water



Land use

Land use consent for the reclamation 149.7m of intermittently flowing stream (a tributary of the Whareama River)

Water Permit
Water permit for the permanent diversion of water from a tributary of the Whareama River.

Full details of the application and consents required can be found in the application.

Application documents

Resource consent applications, including the Assessment of Environmental Effects report and all supporting information, can be viewed on this page.


Any person may make a submission on these applications or notices of requirement, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant(s) may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the applications/notices of requirement relate that—

(a) adversely affects the environment; and

(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

To make an online submission please fill in the online form below.

You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission to Greater Wellington at PO Box 11646, Wellington 6011 or The submission must be in the prescribed form. Copies of this form are available from Greater Wellington, please contact us on 0800 496 734 or

You must serve a copy of your submission to Masterton District Council (the applicant), via email or post, as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Greater Wellington. Please send these to PO Box 167, Masterton 5810, or

Alternatively, submissions can be dropped off in person at Greater Wellington offices during office hours.

Your submission may become publicly available if a request for it is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. As a submitter, you are legally required to provide a copy of your full submission, including your personal details to the applicant.

The last day to make submissions on this resource consent application is Monday 04 November 2024.

As a submitter, you are legally required to provide a copy of your full submission, including your personal details to the applicant. If you fill in the online form below, this will happen automatically - it will be your responsibility if you provide a submission in writing.

For guidance on writing a submission, and the submission process, you can refer to the Ministry for the Environment's guidance document.

If you have any questions about the application or submission process, or would like a hard copy of the submission form please contact Environmental Technical Support, Greater Wellington on 0800 496 734 or email

Applicant: Masterton District Council

Addresses for service if providing a hard copy or emailed written submission:

Greater Wellington Regional Council (consenting authority): Greater Wellington Regional Council, PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142, Attn: Manager, Environmental Regulation,

Masterton District Council C/- C and F Projects, PO Box 167, Masterton 5810, Attn: Mac Fauvel

  • Thank you for having your say on this resource consent application. 

    We appreciate your involvement in this process and taking the time to give your feedback.

    Make a submission
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Page last updated: 11 Oct 2024, 01:28 PM