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Paraparaumu WWTP Submission

Thank you for having your say on Paraparaumu Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

We appreciate your involvement in this process and taking the time to give your feedback.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Electronic Communications

* required
Greater Wellington Regional Council has a preference for providing information about this resource consent process via email. We will send you updates on the process and provide you with details of any hearing to consider submissions if you wish to be heard.

Maximum 255 characters



What is your stance on the application

* required
For example, the discharge to water and/or the discharge of odour

Hearing on the Paraparaumu WWTP

* required

Joint case


Trade competitor

* required
It is assumed that there will be no trade competitors in relation to this application. If this is not the case, please provide further information about how you are directly affected by the effects of the application or whether your submission relates to the effects of trade competition.