Making progress on Melling Intersection Improvements
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Since last year, we have made good progress on investigating how to improve the Melling intersections with State Highway 2.
Officers from the NZ Transport Agency, Hutt City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council have been working closely together to understand and agree on what we collectively want to achieve through the Melling Intersection Improvements project. We have also established some basic guidelines on how the intersection improvements could fit together with the other elements of the RiverLInk project – Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Flood Capacity Improvements and Hutt City Council’s Making Places project.
As a result, four investment objectives have been developed.
These are:
• Reliability – people and goods being able to reliably move on State Highway 2 and into Hutt City CBD
• Accessibility – improve the connection across the highway and provide better access to Melling Station and Hutt City CBD
• Safety – make it safer for people travelling on State Highway 2 and into Hutt CBD
• Availability – reduce the number of road/lane closures that occur as a result of crashes or flooding.
The objectives help evaluate the options developed so far to either weed out ones that will not work, or make adjustments to others that are worth further consideration.
In the next few months, we should be in a position to share with you where we’ve got to, and seeking your feedback what you think would be good to prioritise at Melling.
Remember that you can sign up for updates on the NZ Transport Agency’s website and find more information about this community engagement work here>
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