Weather protection, walking and cycling access and security are top-rated amenities for new Melling station
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If a new Melling station is built south of the current station, there are opportunities to preserve what people like about the current station and to consider additional amenities. The RiverLink team conducted an online survey to learn what people would like to see at or nearby a new station. Forty-three people took part in the survey.
Topping the wish list of amenities were weather protected waiting facilities, good pedestrian and cycling access to the station and security measures such as security cameras and lighting. Suggestions of ‘other’ things people would like to see included: ticket kiosk, public toilets, bike lockers and post boxes.
The two most popular businesses and services people wanted to see near the station were a mini-mart and restaurant/take-away. Consistent with what the project team heard when talking to commuters, there were also numerous suggestions to extend the hours and days of operation and extend the line further north.
The survey asked if people would use the station ‘more’, ‘the same’ or ‘less’ if the station were moved. Sixty percent of respondents said moving the station wouldn’t change how much they use it, while 26% said they would use it more and 14% said they would use it less. Those who said they would use it more cited the better access to the city centre and Queensgate that would be provided by the pedestrian and cycle bridge across to Margaret St. Most of those who said they would use a new station less, cited the
additional walking distance from the western hill suburbs as the reason.
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