What is a Regional Land Transport Plan?

    The Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) is required under the Land Transport Management Act. As well as explaining where and how future investment will be made into our region’s land transport network, our RLTP is also our blueprint for the region’s transport network. It aims to enable a connected region, with safe, accessible, and livable places.

    While the RLTP is valid for six years, the plan sets the direction for transport in the region for the next 10-30 years. It identifies regional priorities and includes a list of all the transport projects the region intends to deliver. This list is then submitted to NZ Transport Agency as our region’s bid for funding from the National Land Transport Fund.

    The Regional Transport Committee is responsible for the development of the RLTP.

    Who are the Regional Transport Committee?

    The Wellington Regional Transport Committee is made up of a representative from each of the region’s councils (Kāpiti Coast District Council, Porirua City Council, Masterton District Council, South Wairarapa District Council, Carterton District Council, Upper Hutt City Council, Hutt City Council, Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council), as well as New Zealand Transport Agency and a KiwiRail member. The KiwiRail member has full speaking rights, but not voting rights. 

    The RTC has statutory responsibility for the development and ownership of the RLTP.

    Will you be running any information sessions?

    Yes, two online information sessions are being held: 

    Wednesday 5th June, 5:30-6:30pm: (click here to register)

    Thursday 6th June, 12:30-1:30pm (Click here to register)

    Here's what you need to know:  

    Join us for an info session about the Regional Land Transport Plan. Learn about:
    • What is a Regional Land Transport Plan?
    • Who are the Regional Transport Committee and what do they do?
    • How do transport projects get into the Regional Land Transport Plan?
     • How you can submit.

     The Regional Land Transport Plan is our blueprint for the region's transport network, setting the region's direction for transport over the next 10-30 years. The Plan identifies regional priorities and includes a list of transport projects the region intends to deliver. This list is then submitted to the New Zealand Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi to be considered for funding as part of the National Land Transport Programme development.

    The info session will be held through Microsoft Teams. 

    Why is this document called a Mid-Term Review?

    The Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA), requires the Regional Transport Committee to do a mid-term review of its current RLTP. This review ensures that the strategic framework of the RLTP remains valid and fit for purpose and that the accompanying regional programme of activities are both updated for the second half of its six-year duration. 

    This review looked at key areas of change since the RLTP 2021 was completed. These include external factors affecting transport as well as changes in the national and regional policy context, and the impact these changes have on the strategic framework.

    Who is involved in developing the RLTP?

    The RLTP is a collaborative plan, overseen by the Regional Transport Committee (RTC). RTC is a unique statutory committee. Although it is a committee of Greater Wellington, each council in the region has a voting member, along with a member each from New Zealand Transport Agency and KiwiRail. The collective view of the RTC forms the basis of the RLTP.

    Has there been any community engagement already?

    Early in 2023 we asked "what should our 10 year transport priorities be for our region?". We had a great response, with over 2,000 people completing the survey.

    This early engagement allowed us to understand the community’s priorities. We have used this information to inform and develop our draft Regional Land Transport Plan review document.

    How do I provide feedback on the draft plan?

    • You can fill our the survey right here on our website, or
    • Email us at gwrt@gw.govt.nz, or
    • Send a written submission to: 
      • Greater Wellington
      • C/- Regional Transport Strategy team
      • PO Box 11646, Wellington 6142, or
    • Contact us on 0800 496 734 

    What happens after the consultation?

    Once we have heard from our region through the consultation, we will incorporate your feedback into the document, then the fully designed, final document will go to Regional Transport Committee for endorsement, and to Greater Wellington for approval. Following approval by council, it will be submitted to New Zealand Transport Agency for inclusion into their National Land Transport Plan considerations. The final version will be published on our website in due course.

    For more information on the National Land Transport Plan and funding, see the NZTA website.

    I want to know more about something in the programme - can you help me?

    If you have a specific question about the programme of activities please feel free to contact us by emailing gwrt@gw.govt.nz