What is a representation review?

    A representation review is a regular, legally required process undertaken every six years by councils to reassess their representation arrangements. A review includes determining the number of constituencies, defining their names and boundaries, and deciding how many councillors will represent each constituency. Council’s last review was conducted in 2018 for the 2019 elections.

    Why do a representation review?

    The goal of a representation review is to ensure that the council's representation arrangements are both fair and effective. "Fair" means each Councillor represents about the same number of voters. "Effective" means each constituency reflects a community with common interests. The representation review also aims to align representation with changes in population and these communities.

    What is preliminary engagement?

    Preliminary engagement is an initial phase of gathering public input before the formal consultation. This phase allows Council to collect early community views on potential representation arrangements to inform Council’s decisions on the initial representation proposal, on which we then consult.

    What are we asking you to have your say on?

    As Council has already decided to use the Single Transferable Voting system and to establish a Māori Constituency, we are not seeking feedback on these matters.

    Given the decision to establish a Māori Constituency, we seek feedback on the fairness and effectiveness of potential representation arrangements for general constituencies.

    Why do the Representation Review now, when we are also consulting on the Long Term Plan and Regional Land Transport Plan?

    The timeframes for these statutory processes is set by law. Council aims to manage these timelines to minimise any confusion and overlap between consultations.

    How do I find out more?

    The Have Your Say page **LINK** for the preliminary engagement includes copies of a discussion paper and relevant Local Government Commission determinations. The Discussion Paper sets out the overall timeframe for the Representation Review 2024 and outlines seven scenarios and membership options that you may wish to consider.

    Preliminary engagement runs from 11 to 31 March 2024. You can provide comments through the Have Your Say page.

    When does formal consultation start and end?

    Formal statutory consultation is expected to run for at least one month from mid-June 2024.

    What’s happening with the Māori Constituency?

    Council has resolved to establish a Māori Constituency for the 2025 elections. This constituency covers the whole Wellington Region and will have one elected member.

    Council has yet to decide the name for the Māori Constituency. The proposed name will be included in the initial representation proposal.

    What about the Coalition Government’s intention to allow for referenda on Māori constituencies?

    The Government has yet to legislate on this matter. The Representation Review 2024 will progress based on the current law.