RiverLink Resource Consents & Notices of Requirement
Consultation has concluded

02 September 2022
The Environment Court has issued an interim decision.
06 April 2022
Please note Environment Court protocols regarding attendance. These can be found in full in the document opposite.
16 March 2022
RiverLink has been directly referred to the Environment Court to determine the Resource Consent and Notices of Requirement. This means that the Environment Court is now overseeing the decision making process instead of GWRC. The Environment Court have advised that they are unable to host a dedicated website for RiverLink at this time. In the interest of accessibility to the documents produced as part of the Environment Court process these documents will be posted on this website and will be labelled as 'Environment Court - xxxxx'.
RiverLink involves the construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and associated works within the Lower Hutt city centre around Te Awa Kairangi to improve flood resilience, transport connections and to facilitate urban renewal and regeneration of the city. Greater Wellington Regional Council (GW), Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) and Hutt City Council (HCC), have together lodged Notices of Requirement and applications for resource consents for the RiverLink project. In conjunction with RiverLink, HCC has also received a separate application for a Notice of Requirement for an alteration to the boundary of existing designation NZR1 from KiwiRail.
Project description
RiverLink’s three separate but interdependent projects include:
- Flood protection (GW) – lowering and widening the Te Awa Kairangi river channel and berms, and raising the height of the stopbanks;
- Melling transport improvements (Waka Kotahi) - a new grade separated interchange and river bridge at Melling, new intersections with local roads and realignments, enhanced pedestrian and cycle routes and better public transport integration at a new Melling Station (aligned with KiwiRail and GW Public Transport); and
- Urban renewal and revitalisation (HCC) – supporting urban renewal and revitalisation through improved access from the city centre to and alongside the Te Awa Kairangi through the creation of a promenade, a new pedestrian and cycle bridge, a riverside park to supporting future commercial/retail/residential development in the city.
KiwiRail have also sought a Notice of Requirement for an alteration to the boundary of existing designation NZR1 for the purpose of relocating the Melling line to the south east of the existing location.
If you have any question about the application or submission process, please contact Environmental Technical Support, Greater Wellington on 0800 496 734 or email notifications@gw.govt.nz
02 September 2022
The Environment Court has issued an interim decision.
06 April 2022
Please note Environment Court protocols regarding attendance. These can be found in full in the document opposite.
16 March 2022
RiverLink has been directly referred to the Environment Court to determine the Resource Consent and Notices of Requirement. This means that the Environment Court is now overseeing the decision making process instead of GWRC. The Environment Court have advised that they are unable to host a dedicated website for RiverLink at this time. In the interest of accessibility to the documents produced as part of the Environment Court process these documents will be posted on this website and will be labelled as 'Environment Court - xxxxx'.
RiverLink involves the construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and associated works within the Lower Hutt city centre around Te Awa Kairangi to improve flood resilience, transport connections and to facilitate urban renewal and regeneration of the city. Greater Wellington Regional Council (GW), Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) and Hutt City Council (HCC), have together lodged Notices of Requirement and applications for resource consents for the RiverLink project. In conjunction with RiverLink, HCC has also received a separate application for a Notice of Requirement for an alteration to the boundary of existing designation NZR1 from KiwiRail.
Project description
RiverLink’s three separate but interdependent projects include:
- Flood protection (GW) – lowering and widening the Te Awa Kairangi river channel and berms, and raising the height of the stopbanks;
- Melling transport improvements (Waka Kotahi) - a new grade separated interchange and river bridge at Melling, new intersections with local roads and realignments, enhanced pedestrian and cycle routes and better public transport integration at a new Melling Station (aligned with KiwiRail and GW Public Transport); and
- Urban renewal and revitalisation (HCC) – supporting urban renewal and revitalisation through improved access from the city centre to and alongside the Te Awa Kairangi through the creation of a promenade, a new pedestrian and cycle bridge, a riverside park to supporting future commercial/retail/residential development in the city.
KiwiRail have also sought a Notice of Requirement for an alteration to the boundary of existing designation NZR1 for the purpose of relocating the Melling line to the south east of the existing location.
If you have any question about the application or submission process, please contact Environmental Technical Support, Greater Wellington on 0800 496 734 or email notifications@gw.govt.nz
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Making a submission through Have Your Say
Any person is welcome to make a submission on this application. By completing this online form your submission will automatically be served to Greater Wellington and the applicant.
To make a submission online you will need to register and create an account through the Have Your Say site. As part of registering you will be asked to confirm your account via an email authentication process.
The personal information you provide when registering to create a Have Your Say account will only be used:
- For the purpose/s you provide that information
- For other reasons permitted by the Privacy Act 2020 (e.g. with your consent, for a directly-related purpose, or where the law permits or requires this use).
The full Privacy Statement can be viewed at https://haveyoursay.gw.govt.nz/privacy-statement
The information you provide as part of your submission will only be used for the purpose of making a decision on the activity proposed by the applicant. However, please note that your submission may become publicly available if a request for it is made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Fields with a * next to them on the submission form are required information in accordance with Form 13 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. Your submission will not be considered if this information is not provided in your submission.
You will receive an acknowledgement email upon submitting this form which will allow you to review your responses. If you wish to make changes to your submission prior to the close of the submissions period on 22 September 2021, please email notifications@gw.govt.nz
Share Submission Form: RiverLink Consents and Notices of Requirements on Facebook Share Submission Form: RiverLink Consents and Notices of Requirements on Twitter Share Submission Form: RiverLink Consents and Notices of Requirements on Linkedin Email Submission Form: RiverLink Consents and Notices of Requirements link
Interim Decision - Environment Court
Regulatory Summaries
Summary of outstanding issues - Contamination - Bo Simkin.pdf (131 KB) (pdf)
Summary of outstanding issues - Regional Planning - Michelle Conland.pdf (276 KB) (pdf)
Summary of outstanding issues - River Hydraulics - Craig Martell.pdf (110 KB) (pdf)
Summary of outstanding issues - Stormwater - David Wilson.pdf (133 KB) (pdf)
Summary of outstanding issues - Territorial Planning - Dan Kellow.pdf (156 KB) (pdf)
Summary of outstanding issues - Transport - Harriet Fraser.pdf (124 KB) (pdf)
Applicant's Closing Legal Submissions
Closing legal submissions on behalf of the Applicants - 20 May 2022.pdf (449 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A - Proposed conditions tracked version.pdf (1.19 MB) (pdf)
Appendix B - Proposed conditions clean version.pdf (1.14 MB) (pdf)
Appendix C - Examples of cycle infrastructure.pdf (377 KB) (pdf)
Appendix D - Indicative Active Transport Plan Long Plot.pdf (8.42 MB) (pdf)
Appendix E - Revision and location of plans.pdf (57.4 KB) (pdf)
Final Plans as Referenced in Conditions of Consent
Catchment and Treatment Diagram - A16-4381-SK321-SK324.pdf (1.98 MB) (pdf)
Construction Sequencing Stages 1 to 6.pdf (2.46 MB) (pdf)
Cross Sections (MC8A) 125 Western Hutt Road (Lochaber) - A16-4381-C811-C814.pdf (296 KB) (pdf)
Cross Sections (MCV0) 760 Western Hutt Road (Casa Loma) - A16-4381-C801-C804.pdf (397 KB) (pdf)
General Layout Plan - A16-4381-C201-C205.pdf (14.5 MB) (pdf)
General Layout Plan (Larger Scale) - A16-4381-C209-C211.pdf (6.68 MB) (pdf)
Indicative Active Transport Plan Long Plot - A16-4381-L600.pdf (8.42 MB) (pdf)
Indicative Carpark Layout Plan Melling Stub - A16-4381-C601.pdf (3.02 MB) (pdf)
Indicative Landscape Plans - A16-4381-L201-L208.pdf (10.7 MB) (pdf)
Indicative Landscape Sections - A16-4381-L400-L414.pdf (44.3 MB) (pdf)
Layout Plan and Longitudinal Section (MC8A) 125 Western Hutt Road (Lochaber) - A16-4381-C595.pdf (2.56 MB) (pdf)
Layout Plan and Longitudinal Section (MCV0) 760 Western Hutt Road (Casa Loma) - A16-4381-C591.pdf (2.81 MB) (pdf)
Layout Plan Mills Street - A16-4381-C605.pdf (2.87 MB) (pdf)
New and Altered Designation Boundaries - A16-4381-D131-D138.pdf (27.1 MB) (pdf)
Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge Indicative Plan - A16-4381-L501-L503.pdf (2.03 MB) (pdf)
Proposed Drainage Service Works - A16-4381-C321-C324.pdf (1.76 MB) (pdf)
River Bridge General Arrangement - A16-4381-S201-S202.pdf (931 KB) (pdf)
River Cross Sections - A16-4381-SB400-SB433.pdf (10 MB) (pdf)
Services Plan - A16-4381-C101-C111.pdf (5.1 MB) (pdf)
SH2 Underpass General Arrangement - A16-4381-S101-S102.pdf (797 KB) (pdf)
Stopbank Layout Plan and Riverworks - A16-4381-SB151-SB158.pdf (15.5 MB) (pdf)
Stopbank Overall Layout Plans General Arrangement - A16-4381-SB140-SB141.pdf (7.13 MB) (pdf)
Stopbank Typical Cross Sections - A16-4381-SB700.pdf (352 KB) (pdf)
Stormwater Overview Plan - A16-4381-C320.pdf (5.14 MB) (pdf)
Stormwater Treatment Typical Details - A16-4381-C361-C363.pdf (809 KB) (pdf)
Typical Cross Section Melling Stub - A16-4381-C411.pdf (290 KB) (pdf)
Vegetation Disturbance and BLDG Removal Plan - A16-4381-G012-G013.pdf (8.82 MB) (pdf)
Proposed Drainage Service Works - A16-4381-C321-C324.pdf (1.76 MB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Submissions
Opening legal submissions on behalf of the Applicants.pdf (572 KB) (pdf)
Appendix A to Applicants opening legal submissions.pdf (114 KB) (pdf)
Appendix B to Applicants opening legal submissions.pdf (242 KB) (pdf)
Appendix C to legal submissions for 10 cycling submitters - Melling design philosophy statement.pdf (265 KB) (pdf)
CCS submission on errors in Applicants Closing Submissions.pdf (130 KB) (pdf)
Closing submissions for GWRC HCC Regulatory.pdf (152 KB) (pdf)
Cycling closing submissions.pdf (239 KB) (pdf)
Legal Submissions on behalf of Regulatory Authorities.pdf (241 KB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Memorandums
01. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - requesting a pre-hearing conference (23 November 2021).pdf (189 KB) (pdf)
02. Memorandum of counsel for applicants – agenda and matters for pre-hearing conference (17 December 2021).pdf (229 KB) (pdf)
03. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - timetable for mediation (21 January 2022).pdf (318 KB) (pdf)
04. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - updating the proposed mediation timetable - (21 January 2022).pdf (211 KB) (pdf)
05. Memorandum of counsel for Kainga Ora - recording witnesses (24 January 2022).pdf (103 KB) (pdf)
06. Memorandum of counsel for Parsons Green - recording witnesses (26 January 2022).pdf (69.3 KB) (pdf)
07. Memorandum of counsel for Cyclists - recording witnesses (25 January 2021).pdf (81.8 KB) (pdf)
08. Memorandum of counsel for Harvey Norman - recording witnesses (25 January 2022).pdf (148 KB) (pdf)
09. Memorandum of counsel for GW and HCC Regulatory - recording witnesses (25 January 2022).pdf (294 KB) (pdf)
10. Joint memorandum of counsel for the applicants and HNZPT - resolution of issues (26 January 2022).pdf (2.72 MB) (pdf)
11. Joint memorandum of counsel for the Applicants and Director-General of Conservation - resolution of issues (27 January 2022).pdf (159 KB) (pdf)
12. Joint memorandum of counsel for the applicants and Wellington Water Limited - resolution of issues (25 February 2022).pdf (72.4 KB) (pdf)
13. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - site visit (8 March 2022).pdf (546 KB) (pdf)
14. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - expert witness conferencing (8 March 2022).pdf (142 KB) (pdf)
15. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - hearing matters (8 April 2022).pdf (130 KB) (pdf)
16. Memorandum of counsel for Harvey Norman - hearing matters (12 April 2022).pdf (151 KB) (pdf)
17. Memorandum of counsel for Parsons Green - hearing matters (12 April 2022).pdf (76 KB) (pdf)
18. Memorandum of counsel for GW and HCC Regulatory - hearing matters (12 April 2022).pdf (143 KB) (pdf)
19. Memorandum of counsel for Cyclists - hearing matters (13 April 2022).pdf (93.8 KB) (pdf)
20. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants - response to the GW and HCC Regulatory memorandum (13 April 2022).pdf (116 KB) (pdf)
21. Joint memorandum of counsel for the applicants and Harvey Norman - resolution of issues (14 April 2022).pdf (68.5 KB) (pdf)
22. Joint memorandum of counsel for the applicants and Harvey Norman - further information on resolution (20 April 2022).pdf (515 KB) (pdf)
23. Memorandum of counsel for the applicants providing external documents and condition references (22 April 2022).pdf (199 KB) (pdf)
24. Memorandum of counsel for Parsons Green Trust and Parsons Green Ltd (26 April 2022).pdf (75.7 KB) (pdf)
25. Memorandum for Parsons Green re current conditions (29 April).pdf (103 KB) (pdf)
25A. Annexure A Letter to Parsons Green from GW - 25 February 2022.pdf (171 KB) (pdf)
25B. Annexure B Letter to Parsons Green from GW - 20 April 2022.pdf (161 KB) (pdf)
26. Memorandum of counsel for Parsons Green re inclusion of new conditions (5 May 2022).pdf (824 KB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Rebuttal Evidence Applicant
01. Rebuttal evidence of David Norman (economics) - 8 April 2022.pdf (146 KB) (pdf)
02. Rebuttal evidence of Bruce Symmans (flood containment and river design) - 8 April 2022.pdf (218 KB) (pdf)
03. Rebuttal evidence of Mark Pennington (river hydraulics and water containment) - 8 April 2022.pdf (318 KB) (pdf)
04. Rebuttal evidence of Carey Morris (roading design) - 8 April 2022.pdf (42.2 MB) (pdf)
05. Rebuttal evidence of Allen Ingles (stormwater) - 8 April 2022.pdf (69.7 KB) (pdf)
06. Rebuttal evidence of Duncan Tindall (traffic impacts and transport integration) - 8 April 2022.pdf (1.84 MB) (pdf)
07. Rebuttal evidence of Simon Kennett (cycling infrastructure) - 8 April 2022.pdf (3.11 MB) (pdf)
08. Rebuttal evidence of Dean Miller (freshwater ecology) - 8 April 2022.pdf (345 KB) (pdf)
09. Rebuttal evidence of Mary O'Callahan (planning) - 8 April 2022.pdf (3.42 MB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Notice of Hearing
Environment Court - Joint Statements, Expert Conferencing
Joint Witness Statement - Planning and vibration 31_03_22.pdf (137 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - River hydraulics and containment.pdf (59.4 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - Transport - Harvey Norman.pdf (58.2 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - Transport _ Cycling and active modes.pdf (81.1 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - Air Quality.pdf (118 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - Noise and vibration .pdf (128 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement Addendum - Noise and vibration.pdf (63 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - Planning.pdf (92 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink - Joint Witness Statement - Stormwater.pdf (179 KB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Harvey Norman Properties (NZ) Ltd
01. Statement of evidence of Brendan Cook (Corporate) - 11 March 2022.pdf (295 KB) (pdf)
01A. Attachment A to statement of evidence of Brendan Cook - SKM Risk Assessment.pdf (4.13 MB) (pdf)
01B. Attachment B to statement of evidence of Brendan Cook - TDG Addendum.pdf (563 KB) (pdf)
01C. Attachment C to statement of evidence of Brendan Cook - Stop Bank Licence.pdf (1.24 MB) (pdf)
01D. Attachment D to statement of evidence of Brendan Cook - Carpark Sublease.pdf (4.43 MB) (pdf)
01E. Attachment E to statement of evidence of Brendan Cook - Head Lease.pdf (580 KB) (pdf)
01F. Attachment F to statement of evidence of Brendan Cook - TDG 2008 Report.pdf (5.17 MB) (pdf)
02. Statement of evidence of Tim Arnott (Valuation) - 11 March 2022.pdf (260 KB) (pdf)
02A. Attachment A to statement of evidence of Tim Arnott - Qualifications and Experience.pdf (52.9 KB) (pdf)
02B. Attachment B to statement of evidence of Tim Arnott - CBRE Report January 2022.pdf (671 KB) (pdf)
03. Statement of evidence of Mark Georgeson (Traffic and Transport) - 11 March 2022.pdf (882 KB) (pdf)
03A. Attachment A to statement of evidence of Mark Georgeson - Letter 19.07.21.pdf (3.44 MB) (pdf)
03B. Attachment B to statement of evidence of Mark Georgeson - Letter 5.11.21.pdf (441 KB) (pdf)
04. Statement of evidence of David Haines (Planning) - 11 March 2022.pdf (323 KB) (pdf)
04A. Attachment 1 to statement of evidence of David Haines - 2015 Submission on LTP.pdf (85.8 KB) (pdf)
04B. Attachment 2 to statement of evidence of David Haines - 2015 Submission on Upgrade.pdf (83.1 KB) (pdf)
04C. Attachment 3 to statement of evidence of David Haines - 2017 Request.pdf (275 KB) (pdf)
04D. Attachment 4 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 1.12.17.pdf (92.9 KB) (pdf)
04E. Attachment 5 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Letter 20.6.19.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf)
04F. Attachment 6 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 6.8.19.pdf (143 KB) (pdf)
04G. Attachment 7 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Plan as at 4.9.19.pdf (322 KB) (pdf)
04H. Attachment 8 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Plan as at 11.12.20.pdf (2.2 MB) (pdf)
04I. Attachment 9 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 19.2.21.pdf (145 KB) (pdf)
04J. Attachment 10 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Design Freeze 2.pdf (2.27 MB) (pdf)
04K. Attachment 11 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 30.6.21.pdf (139 KB) (pdf)
04L. Attachment 12 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Email 12.8.21.pdf (451 KB) (pdf)
04M. Attachment 13 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 12.8.21.pdf (188 KB) (pdf)
04N. Attachment 14 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 17.9.21.pdf (344 KB) (pdf)
04O. Attachment 15 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 19.10.21.pdf (192 KB) (pdf)
04P. Attachment 16 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 23.11.21.pdf (151 KB) (pdf)
04Q. Attachment 17 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Meeting Notes 10.12.21.pdf (2.29 MB) (pdf)
04R. Attachment 18 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Resource Consent.pdf (1.87 MB) (pdf)
04S. Attachment 19 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Updated Conditions.pdf (384 KB) (pdf)
04T. Attachment 20 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Drawing DA 13_C.pdf (461 KB) (pdf)
04U. Attachment 21 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Drawing A-16-4381-C210.pdf (2.15 MB) (pdf)
04V. Attachment 22 to statement of evidence of David Haines - Resource Consent Drawings.pdf (960 KB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Trevor Mallard's Evidence
Environment Court - Living Streets Aotearoa's Evidence
01. Statement of evidence of Living Streets Aotearoa - 11 March 2022.pdf (321 KB) (pdf)
02. Statement of evidence of Paula Warren (Planning_ Conditions) - 11 March 2022.pdf (144 KB) (pdf)
03. Statement of evidence of Roger Boulter (Pedestrians and Shared_Separate Paths) - 11 March 2022.pdf (171 KB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Cyclist's Evidence
01. Statement of evidence of Dr Glen Koorey - 14 March 2022.pdf (381 KB) (pdf)
02. Statement of evidence of Assoc Prof Caroline Shaw - 11 March 2022.pdf (344 KB) (pdf)
03. Statement of evidence of Dr Marion Leighton - 11 March 2022.pdf (189 KB) (pdf)
04. Statement of evidence of Larri Wallbridge - 11 March 2022.pdf (295 KB) (pdf)
05. Statement of evidence of Merran Bakker - 11 March 2022.pdf (133 KB) (pdf)
06. Statement of combined evidence of s274 cycling submitters - 11 March 2022.pdf (2.54 MB) (pdf)
Environment Court - HCC and GWRC Regulatory Evidence
01. Statement of evidence of Daniel Kellow (Planning) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (348 KB) (pdf)
02. Statement of evidence of Michelle Conland (Planning) - GW Regulatory.pdf (352 KB) (pdf)
03. Statement of evidence of Craig Martell (River hydraulics) - GW Regulatory.pdf (1.13 MB) (pdf)
04. Statement of evidence of David Wilson (Stormwater) - GW Regulatory.pdf (425 KB) (pdf)
05. Statement of evidence of Gregor McLean (Erosion and sediment) - GW Regulatory.pdf (41.7 KB) (pdf)
06. Statement of evidence of Katy Grant (Hydrogeology) - GW Regulatory.pdf (147 KB) (pdf)
07. Statement of evidence of Alexander James (Freshwater ecology) - GW Regulatory.pdf (141 KB) (pdf)
08. Statement of evidence of Dr Roger Uys (Terrestrial ecology and coastal avifauna) - GW_HCC Regulatory.pdf (59.7 KB) (pdf)
09. Statement of evidence of Harriet Fraser (Transport) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (275 KB) (pdf)
10. Statement of evidence of Stephen Arden (Noise and Vibration) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (199 KB) (pdf)
11. Statement of evidence of Deborah Ryan (Air Quality) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (86.1 KB) (pdf)
12. Statement of evidence of Mary O'Keeffe (Archaeology) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (142 KB) (pdf)
13. Statement of evidence of Bo Simkin (Contamination) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (85.6 KB) (pdf)
14. Statement of evidence of Julia Williams (Landscape) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (160 KB) (pdf)
15. Statement of evidence of Morten Gjerde (Urban Design) - HCC Regulatory.pdf (138 KB) (pdf)
Further Information Provided by the Applicant
Acoustic_s92 (additional) response.pdf (86.6 KB) (pdf)
Final GW s92 response letter (2).pdf (8.64 MB) (pdf)
Final HCC s92 response letter.pdf (19.1 MB) (pdf)
HCC further info request - Appendix A.pdf (128 KB) (pdf)
HCC further info request - Appendix B.pdf (4.65 MB) (pdf)
HCC further information request appendices.pdf (4.84 MB) (pdf)
HCC further information request.pdf (125 KB) (pdf)
Environment Court - Applicant's Evidence
01. Statement of Evidence of Kim Skelton (Taranaki Whanui) - 18 February 2022.pdf (203 KB) (pdf)
02. Statement of Evidence of Jenny Ngarimu (Ngati Toa) - 18 February 2022.pdf (156 KB) (pdf)
03. Statement of Evidence of Graeme Campbell (Flood protection) - 18 February 2022.pdf (304 KB) (pdf)
04. Statement of Evidence of Akhylesh Keshaboina (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency) - 18 February 2022.pdf (499 KB) (pdf)
05. Statement of Evidence of Ihakara Puketapu-Dentice (Hutt City Council) - 18 February 2022.pdf (307 KB) (pdf)
06. Statement of Evidence of Barry Fryer (GW Public Transport) - 18 February 2022.pdf (227 KB) (pdf)
07. Statement of Evidence of Olivia Poulsen (KiwiRail Holdings Limited) - 18 February 2022.pdf (87.5 KB) (pdf)
08. Statement of Evidence of David Norman (Economics) - 18 February 2022.pdf (898 KB) (pdf)
09. Statement of Evidence of Bruce Symmans (Flood Containment and River Design) - 18 February 2022.pdf (6.15 MB) (pdf)
10. Statement of Evidence of Kyle Christensen (Geomorphology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (1.71 MB) (pdf)
11. Statement of Evidence of Mark Pennington (River Hydraulics and Water Containment) - 18 February 202.pdf (187 KB) (pdf)
12. Statement of Evidence of Geoffrey Farquhar (Natural Hazards and Geotechnical) - 18 February 2022.pdf (192 KB) (pdf)
13.a Statement of Evidence Carey Morris - 18 February 2022 (117 KB) (pdf)
13.b Statement of Evidence Carey Morris - 18 February 2022 (32 MB) (pdf)
13.c Statement of Evidence Carey Morris - 18 February 2022 (666 KB) (pdf)
13.d Statement of Evidence Carey Morris - 18 February 2022 (323 KB) (pdf)
14. Statement of Evidence of Andrew Whaley (Construction Methodology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (3.47 MB) (pdf)
15. Statement of Evidence of Edryd Breese (Construction Water Quality and Erosion and Sediment Control)%2.pdf (1.14 MB) (pdf)
16. Statement of Evidence of Theodora Avanidou (Hydrogeology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (2.19 MB) (pdf)
17. Statement of Evidence of Allen Ingles (Stormwater) - 18 February 2022.pdf (405 KB) (pdf)
18. Statement of Evidence of Sarah Schiess (Contaminated Land) - 18 February 2022.pdf (229 KB) (pdf)
19. Statement of Evidence of Duncan Tindall (Traffic Impacts and Transport Integration) - 18 February 2.pdf (2.31 MB) (pdf)
20. Statement of Evidence of Simon Kennett (Cycling Infrastructure) - 18 February 2022.pdf (1.69 MB) (pdf)
21. Statement of Evidence of Jason Pene (Air Quality) - 18 February 2022.pdf (248 KB) (pdf)
22. Statement of Evidence of Christian Vossart (Noise and Vibration) - 18 February 2022.pdf (707 KB) (pdf)
23. Statement of Evidence of Victoria Grouden (Archaeology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (775 KB) (pdf)
24. Statement of Evidence of Ian Bowman (Built Heritage) - 18 February 2022.pdf (788 KB) (pdf)
25. Statement of Evidence of Dean Miller (Freshwater Ecology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (9.07 MB) (pdf)
26. Statement of Evidence of Joshua Markham (Terrestrial Ecology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (362 KB) (pdf)
27. Statement of Evidence of Jacqueline Bell (Marine Ecology) - 18 February 2022.pdf (127 KB) (pdf)
28. Statement of Evidence of Leigh Bull (Coastal Avifauna) - 18 February 2022.pdf (136 KB) (pdf)
29. Statement of Evidence of Lisa Rimmer (Landscape_ Visual and Natural Character) - 18 February 2022.pdf (333 KB) (pdf)
30. Statement of Evidence of Michala Lander (Social and Recreation) - 18 February 2022.pdf (210 KB) (pdf)
31. Statement of Evidence of Mary O'Callahan (Planning) - 18 February 2022.pdf (2.4 MB) (pdf)
Environment Court - S274 Notices
A & A McKone Form 33 (731 KB) (pdf)
Cycling AN Inc Form 33 (123 KB) (pdf)
D B Richardson Form 33 (467 KB) (pdf)
D F Conway Form 33 (401 KB) (pdf)
DAST Form 33 (176 KB) (pdf)
E S Richardson Form 33 (103 KB) (pdf)
Paul and Jennifer Officer Form 33 (216 KB) (pdf)
Hutt Cycle Network Form 33 (430 KB) (pdf)
Matthew Young Form 33 (209 KB) (pdf)
Alex Dyer for Cycle Wellington Form 33 (322 KB) (pdf)
G L Lyon Form 33 (323 KB) (pdf)
M Wheeler Form 33 (284 KB) (pdf)
NZTA Cycling Ref - D Tripp Form 33 (993 KB) (pdf)
R A Badcock Form 33 (82.7 KB) (pdf)
Trevor C Mallard Form 33 (346 KB) (pdf)
Wellington Water Form 33 (108 KB) (pdf)
Department of Conservation Form 33.pdf (500 KB) (pdf)
Ellen Blake Living Streets Aotearoa Form 33.pdf (89.7 KB) (pdf)
Gene Clendon Form 33.pdf (2.32 MB) (pdf)
Harvey Norman Properties (NZ) Ltd Form 33 appendix A.pdf (118 KB) (pdf)
Harvey Norman Properties (NZ) Ltd Form 33.pdf (110 KB) (pdf)
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Form 33.pdf (122 KB) (pdf)
Kainga Ora Form 33.pdf (122 KB) (pdf)
Parsons Green Form 33.pdf (1.49 MB) (pdf)
Officers Reports - Wellington Regional Council Consents and Hutt City Council Consents
A - WRC Consents S87F Report (741 KB) (pdf)
B - WRC Consents Amended Conditions (596 KB) (pdf)
C - HCC Consents s87F Report (2.44 MB) (pdf)
1 - Summary of Submissions (318 KB) (pdf)
2 - River Hydraulics and Containment - Craig Martell (896 KB) (pdf)
3 - Stormwater - David Wilson (251 KB) (pdf)
4 - Erosion and Sediment Control - Gregor McLean (82.2 KB) (pdf)
5 - Hydrogeology - Katy Grant (78.6 KB) (pdf)
6 - Freshwater Ecology - Dr Alex James (176 KB) (pdf)
7 - Terrestrial Ecology and Coastal Avifauna - Dr Roger Uys (89.2 KB) (pdf)
8 - Transport Statement - Harriet Fraser (970 KB) (pdf)
9 - Noise and Vibration - Steve Arden (109 KB) (pdf)
10 - Air Quality - Deborah Ryan (148 KB) (pdf)
11 - Archaeology - Mary O Keefe (199 KB) (pdf)
12 - Contamination - Bo Simkin (291 KB) (PDF)
13 - Landscape - Julia Williams (96.2 KB) (pdf)
14 - Urban Design - Morten Gjerde (79 KB) (pdf)
Direct Referral - Council Approvals
Request for Further Information from the Regulatory Authorities
Application Documents
RiverLink Non-Technical Summary.pdf (613 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink- Vol 1 - Forms & NTZ
Form 9 Resource Consent Application Greater Wellington Regional Council NES.pdf (465 KB) (pdf)
Form 9 Resource Consent Application Greater Wellington Regional Council.pdf (464 KB) (pdf)
Form 18 Notice of Requirement - Greater Wellington Regional Council (2).pdf (560 KB) (pdf)
Form 9 Resource Consent Application Waka Kotahi NES.pdf (461 KB) (pdf)
Form 9 Resource Consent Application Waka Kotahi.pdf (473 KB) (pdf)
Form 18 Notice of Requirement - Waka Kotahi.pdf (426 KB) (pdf)
Form 9 Resource Consent Application Hutt City Council NES.pdf (460 KB) (pdf)
Form 9 Resource Consent Application Hutt City Council.pdf (457 KB) (pdf)
Form 18 Notice of Requirement - Hutt City Council.pdf (259 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink- Vol 2- AEE
Appendix A - Proposed Conditions.pdf (905 KB) (pdf)
Appendix B - Freshwater NES and NESCS Assessment.pdf (339 KB) (pdf)
Appendix C - Regional Plans for the Wellington Region Assessment.pdf (613 KB) (pdf)
Appendix D - Objectives and Policies Statutory Assessment.pdf (652 KB) (pdf)
Appendix E - Detailed assessment of alternatives summary.pdf (4.58 MB) (pdf)
Assessment of Environmental Effects.pdf (16.2 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Glossary.pdf (353 KB) (pdf)
RverLink- Vol 3 - Urban & Landscape Design
RiverLink- Vol 4 - Technical Assessments
Draft RiverLink Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Air Quality Technical Assessment.pdf (3.1 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Archaeology and Historic Heritage Technical Assessment (1).pdf (47.4 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Construction Water Quality and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Technical Assessment.pdf (14.3 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Contaminated Land Technical Assessment.pdf (47.6 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Cultural Impact Technical Assessment.pdf (1.4 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Economics Technical Assessment.pdf (374 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink Freshwater Ecology Technical Assessment.pdf (11.8 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Geomorphology Technical Assessment.pdf (19.9 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Groundwater Technical Assessment.pdf (6.75 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Integrated Transport Technical Assessment.pdf (13.1 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Landscape and Visual Technical Assessment.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink Landscape and Visual Assessment - Appendix C - RIverLink Photo Simulations (1).pdf (9.97 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Marine Ecology and Coastal Avifauna Technical Assessment.pdf (853 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink Natural Hazards Technical Assessment.pdf (49.8 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Noise and Vibration Technical Assessment.pdf (16.2 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink River Hydraulics Technical Assessment.pdf (34.9 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink River Hydraulics Assessment - Appendix A.pdf (93.3 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink River Hydraulics Assessment - Appendix B.pdf (2.73 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink River Hydraulics Assessment - Appendix C - excluding Flood Hazard Maps.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink River Hydraulics Assessment - Appendix C - Flood Hazard Maps.pdf (135 MB) (pdf)
Memo on stormwater network flooding.pdf (1.14 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Social Impact and Recreation Technical Assessment.pdf (6.99 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Stormwater Technical Assessment.pdf (2.28 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Terrestrial Ecology Technical Assessment.pdf (9.37 MB) (pdf)
Seaview Floor Level Survey Report - Cardo - July 2021.pdf (13.8 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink- Vol 5 - Drawings
RiverLink Designation Boundaries - A16-4381-D131-D138.pdf (27.1 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink General Layout Plan - A16-4381-C201_C205.pdf (17.1 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink General Layout Plan - larger scale - A16-4381-C209_C211.pdf (6.23 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Indicative Landscape Plans - A18-4381-L200_L207.pdf (10.6 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Landscape Sections - A16-4381-L400_L414.pdf (44.3 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Melling Bridge - A16-4381-S101_S102 and S201_S202.pdf (1.53 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge Indicative Plan - A16-4381-L501_L503.pdf (2.03 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Proposed Construction Sequencing.pdf (28.1 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Proposed Drainage Service Works - A16-4381-C321_C324.pdf (1.6 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink River Cross Sections - A16-4381-SB400_SB433.pdf (10 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Services Plan - A16-4381-C101_C111.pdf (5.1 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Stopbank General Layout - A16-4381-SB140_SB141.pdf (7.13 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Stopbank Layout Plan and Riverworks - A16-4381-SB151_SB158.pdf (15.5 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Stopbank Typical Cross Sections - A16-4381-SB700.pdf (352 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink Stormwater Overview - A16-4381-C320.pdf (5.14 MB) (pdf)
RiverLink Stormwater Treatment Typical Details - A16-4381-C361_C363.pdf (809 KB) (pdf)
RiverLink Vegetation Disturbance and Building Removal - A16-4381-G012_G013.pdf (8.82 MB) (pdf)